fabric alchemist/visual artist/natural witch/authentic channel
creating, consciousness & community in Cumberland, BC, Canada
You can register for sewing classes with Paloma at The Spool Sewing Studio, Located @ 420 Fitzgerald Ave #4, in Courtney BC.
Paloma Joy
fabric alchemist/visual artist/natural witch/authentic channel
"My personal journey as an artist started at a very young age and art has always been medicine to me. I never let it go, even as responsibilities of adulthood kicked in, creativity and artistic expression found its way out of me.
Essentially, art was always a sub-conscious non-negotiable in my life..
I was always drawn to fashion and textiles and started sewing and drawing clothing as a young child. From there I found myself chasing the dream to be a fashion designer, until I took a turn to run away for awhile... but as life has a way of sending us in full circles, I was just being sent around the spiral to come back with an expanded point of view.
Long story short; I graduated fashion school and worked retail until I got turned off the industry due to mixed values. I sold all my sewing equipment and started to dabble in the realms of self growth and other things that brought in joy...
Patterns started to replay and when I ended up back in a new form of retail, the universe stepped in, kicked my butt with a spinal injury that caused me to have to take time off work. In my time off, I got inspired to sew again, and luckily I sold my equipment to a best friend who only bought it because she knew it had to get back to me.
​As a creatrix, I have been diving into a number of mediums which are huge components to Paloma Joyfull and my offerings as an embodied soul. Through color found in visual art, plants, gemstones and fabrics I harness energies that encompass healing vibrations. I have also been dipping into empowering myself and others through the art of channeling written and spoken words that pour out in poetry and sound.
I know the gifts I am harnessing are being channeled through me to bring light to the planet at this wild time. I now fully trust and embody that I am being called to share my gifts through my art, teaching, and joyful approach to life.
I am so grateful I took the leap, and your support has allowed me to fly!
THANK YOU, from the deepest crevasse of my heart!"